Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry
Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral MinistryThe Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry Degree prepares the student for Pastoral Ministry. It develops the student in teaching, counseling, and different levels of operating in spiritual gifts, and church growth.
Bachelor Degree Requirements
A student must have achieved an Associate Degree for an accredited College or University. We will accept a transcript of job seminars credits or past military experiences.
Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry Text Books
Most textbooks must be purchased directly through Bethel Bible College at $25 per book. All textbooks purchased through the college will be distributed by the college to the student. All materials purchased through the college are yours to keep whether you continue with the course or not. No refunds will be issued for the curriculum. All other textbooks may be purchased online through various distributors, of which we provide the link to allow you to purchased the appropriate curriculum for the course. The student is responsible for having the all appropriate material at the start of the course.
**Once the book is purchased, the file will appear and then save it to your computer.**
Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry Text Books
BPM-220 Preaching and Teaching
BPM-221 Prayer and Worship
BPM-222 Solving Life’s Problems
BPM-223 Christian Maturity
BPM-224 Counselor,Teacher and Guide
BPM-225 Helping Christians Grow
BPM-226 People, Tasks and Goals
BPM-227 Spiritual Gifts