**Once the book is purchased, the file will appear and then save it to your computer.**
Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies
Most textbooks must be purchased directly through Bethel Bible College at $25 per book. All textbooks purchased through the college will be distributed by the college to the student. All materials purchased through the college are yours to keep whether you continue with the course or not. No refunds will be issued for the curriculum. All other textbooks may be purchased online through various distributors, of which we provide the link to allow you to purchased the appropriate curriculum for the course. The student is responsible for having the all appropriate material at the start of the course.
**Once the book is purchased, the file will appear and then save it to your computer.**
ABS-100 Your New Life
ABS-101 Your Bible
ABS-102 Who Jesus Is
ABS-103 How to Study Your Bible
ABS-104 Johns Gospel
ABS-105 The Teaching Ministry
ABS-106 Bible Ethics
ABS-107 The Church
General Studies Courses Required for ABS
Click here to access the General Studies Courses.